
Pressure Gauge DN63 – S2 Safety

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One more step towards safety From now all stainless steel and brass DS63 Nuova Fima gauges will be marked with an S on the dial in order to show that they can be used as per meaning of European Standard EN 837 on process systems working with gas or steam….


Green energy – Green pressure

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As far as the Enhanced Energy Efficiency Program is concerned, Nuova Fima presents a short video regarding the results that have been achieved. With a new plant for the production of compressed air and after having obtained tho homologation approval by the ENEA, Nuova Fima reached its goal in halving the…


Twitter profile

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To share the latest news and updates Nuova Fima has the pleasure to introduce its profile on Twitter   Follow @NuovaFimaSpA //


Products Selector Nuova Fima

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During the construction of the new website, Nuova Fima has developed a new product selector in order to help the customers in finding the most suitable solution to their needs. The main characteristics of this new instrument are: • a concise…



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Nuova Fima为丰富其产品类型,引入新的压力变送器ST1和ST2. Nuova Fima 这款新产品性能优越,确保其高质量及高可靠性. 非线性度(BFSL) ≤ ±0,5% (根据 EN 61298-2),可进行数字校准,抗冲击保护,Nuova Fima新产品完全适应各种工业场合使用. 新的ST1和ST2压力变送器可用于气动(轻型和重型),液压领域,农业机械,流体及气体工程工业,制冷及真空设备。 新变送器原理特征: 型号 : ST1 范围 : 0…1/0…600 bar 精度 : ≤ ± 1,0% of the range 接液部分材质 : 不锈钢,氟橡胶,陶瓷 输出信号 : 4…20 mA, 0…10 Vcc, 0…5 Vcc 测量元件…
